Major drivers of global change include population growth and migration, climate change, urbanization and expansion of infrastructures, and changes in land use and pollution. Western Mediterranean countries of both southern Europe and North Africa are expected to experience impacts on the sustainability, quantity, quality, and management of water resources.
Future scenarios in this region forecast the decline in streamflow reducing reservoir storage for population supply. In this context, groundwater becomes an increasingly strategic resource to meet water demand from irrigated and urban areas. Particularly, coastal areas are threatened by the increasing stress during summer and drought periods causing groundwater depletion and saline water intrusion.
These are the main topics and purposes treated during the congress held from 6th to 9th november 2017, Granada (Spain) at the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de la Universidad de Granada.
The Hydrogeology group’s Scientific Person in Charge Dr. Maurizio Polemio partecipated as a member of the Scientific Commitee, chairman of the session 3 “Groundwater and climate change” and scientific rapporteur.