Research Projects

  • 1996-1998, Research project CNR-CERIST “Time series analysis and methodologies for problem Geo-Application”;

  • 1998-2001, Project “Risk hydrogeological degradation of groundwater resources and management technologies” under the 94/99 Operational Programme “Research, Technological Development and Higher Education” ESF-MURST;

  • 1998-2002, research project CNR-CERIST “The characterization of hydrogeological risk through analysis of time series”;

  • 2001-2005, Research project called Crystalisation technologies for prevention of salt water intrusion (CRYSTECHSALIN), funded under the Fifth Framework Programme (1998-2002) of the European Community;

  • 2002-2004, research project Groundwater Quality DEgradetion risk and evaluation effects in the Tirana-Fushe Kuqe basin using monitoring, remote sensing and GIS technologies (GRADE), as part of the Scientific and Technological Cooperation between Italy and Albania;

  • 2003-2007, U.O. CNR-GNDCI 4.14 the group was engaged in issues related to the vulnerability of aquifers;

  • 2005-2007, Research project “The dynamics of the Albanian coastal groundwater: combined use of hydrological monitoring techniques, remote sensing and GIS”, as part of the Scientific and Technological Cooperation between Italy and Albania;

  • 2005-2010, Research Form “Promotion and protection of water resources” of the CNR research project “Sustainability of environmental systems”;

  • 2006-2008, project entitled “Development and utilization of vulnerability maps for the monitoring and management of groundwater resources in the Archimed area (WATER-MAP)”, funded under the Community Initiative Programme (EU) Interreg III-B ARCHIMED;

  • 2006-2007, Research project “Coastal aquifers: methodologies for monitoring and protection of underground waters from degradation by saline seawater intrusion”, as part of the Scientific and Technological Cooperation between Italy and Argentina;

  • 2016-2018,”Qualitative and quantitative degradation risks of water resources and effects on human activities”. Project link.